Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

2016 in Review and Looking Forward to 2017

I’m just going to come out and say it. 2016 was a pretty good year for me. Net positive, not overwhelmingly, but solidly positive. The beginning of 2016 was great, but March, April, & May were really difficult times, mainly due to job stress. However, I’m most proud of how I ended the year, building on past experiences to find a more stable relationship with my goals and myself.

I’m also proud of having new experiences and becoming more comfortable doing things by myself. This includes being more confident in myself, a product of keeping my commitments, a willingness to put in work, and trying new things with an open mind.

That core competency has translated into many successes, from finding a new job, to traveling solo, to consistently writing more, to completing a half. It’s also meant I’ve explored a lot more of the city, which is huge and awesome. I feel like more of a NYC native and that’s a big accomplishment, considering how massive and multifaceted this city is. Swallows you whole if you’re not careful.

I had lots of great travel experiences that I’ll remember for a long time. Mardi Gras to Peru to Austin, all amazing, all unique.

I also connected and reconnected with new and old friends, who are wonderful and interesting people in their own right and I’m glad to have meet/reacquaint myself with. I’d like to maintain those relationships in the new year and continue to learn and draw inspiration from them.

I’ve attempted more projects, some that have succeeded, some that haven’t. More important is that I keep trying, although in the next year I’d also like to be more (slash continue to build on) consistent work. Particularly in writing and the record label, and adding local politics and volunteering regularly.

New music experiences have been a reoccurring theme as well, stemming on a want to be more knowledge about music/the music label venture/awesome parties with cool people. That’s really led to some incredible adventures, and I’d like to continue to do that. The NYE DJ shows should be a great omega-alpha to ‘16 and ‘17.

Finally, fuck the echo chamber. I hate it, as I aspire to be more knowledgeable about the world around me and the nuances of each decision we make and opinion we have. So a big goal of mine is to continue to talk to and learn from people who are different then me, grew up with different opportunities and environments.

This was a growing year. New experiences lead to new aspirations. I learned about my values and a bit about how to better deal with adversity. Going into 2017, I am optimistic and humble, excited and prepared. I’ve laid good groundwork for strong habits to take me into the new year. It will be on my discipline and motivation to continue a good trend.

I know it’s just a personal take on a year that has been largely a dumpster-fire for the world. However, we can each only try to do our best and being that I’ve had some success, I’d like to give some of that to my community next year via local politics and volunteering.


The Hustle and how Atlanta asks us to take a step back

An Ode to My Teammates