Dear Tony, Being Lucky
Dear Tony,
I am immensely lucky. But it’s not what you think.
Well. Sort of.
I land in Macao with 14 hours until my transfer flight. When in Macao, what else do you do but go to the casinos?
First, a primer. Chinese people love gambling. Like they love gambling.
I’m fairly certain that these people are throwing away huge sums of money, money they can’t really afford….? I don’t know for sure but some of these tables are minimum 3000 HKD which translates to about $400.
[Maybe it’s just me. Imagining a single hand that costs $400 sends me squirming]
I watch a few of the rounds. They are loud and abusive in the casino. Lots of yelling and swearing at the serving staff. Shouting at the cards or the dice. Encouraging players. Large swarms of onlookers crowd the rowdy tables. A couple of gamblers try to “chase” the luck, going from streaky dealer to streaky dealer. But everyone’s quiet when they lose big.
I’m here to observe. And maybe get a reasonably priced meal.
[What I don’t realize is that because of standard of living, most Chinese don’t divide by 8. So what I thought was a very good deal, a $20 BBQ sampler, tastes to a Chinese person like a very expensive/average quality 150$ meal. Then again, MikeyD’s burger combo was a good 70HKD…]
Some tasting notes on the BBQ combo: Roast Duck and Roast Pork.
Both meats were average, not anything I would write home about. I’ve had plenty of exceptional meals and while this one was surely decadent and delicious, it also felt flat and reiterated. The sugar/mustard dipping combinations were good. The sweet chili sauce was a bit overwhelming, but fine in small dips.
However, serving staff was exceptionally friendly and caring. I never had my tea pot not filled [and I drank like a good 3 pots at least]. She chatted kindly and never rushed me and I did find it a wonderful atmosphere.
After the satisfactory meal, I wandered back to the casino. I had the remainder of $40 USD or about 300 HKD. The smallest table was roulette at 50HKD a bet. So I sat down, intent mainly on getting free beers, which come with seating at a casino anywhere. I figure, at around 5$ a pop, if I could get 6 free beers and enjoy playing some roulette, I would be more then satisfied.
I bet low, like between 50 and 200HKD on half or two-thirds of the rounds. I was up! Mainly on catching two 0’s and like 3 drops in the 6/5/8/9 quadrant corner that I thrive on. Plus one time a Chinese lady pointedly flagged down the dealers attention, and placed her entire 2,000HKD bet directly on 5. Impressed with her vigor, I added another to my 6/5 split bet [to not directly ride on her bet and possibly take away from her luck]
She struck gold, and I complimented her forthrightness as we both racked in our winnings.
Meanwhile, I ordered beers two at a time; staff is not particularly fast at any casino. The table filled and emptied a few times. I continue to play conservatively; sitting out as many rounds as I play, and never betting very much.
And just as I’m contemplating a time to retire [I have made over 3 times my original money] I hit one more time to round to a very even 4 stacks. I immediately chug my last beer, cash out, tip the dealer, and run away as if I would have my winnings taken from me.
On my way back to the airport I am giddy with happiness. Something about the two thousand HKD [stuffed deep in my bag to deter theft opportunities] lightened my footsteps.
I almost didn’t want to tell anyone; worried that if I looked at the money too hard, it would disappear. Or something else would go radically wrong. Like the universe had encountered an error; spitting out gold doubloons at my feet. And like tectonic plates shifting back to settle, I would wind up lost in Macao and miss my flight. Or the airline would lose my bag. Or something; just to be the misfortune to correct my fortune.
Nothing of the sort happened. I’m only a little superstitious. But when you have been gifted something nice, sometimes the fear rattles your common sense.
The reality is my luck runs far deeper than the unearned 200$ in my hands. I was in Macao! I started this brand new travel chapter with more money on my person then my dad had to his name when he immigrated to the US.
My luck runs far deeper still. I am healthy. Able. My parents had secured my past, my present, and my future. I was on another year of adventure far abroad from the 9-5.
My luck runs even deeper. I have the best of friends and family. I am surrounded by kind and loving individuals. They gift me their presence and time, their generosity and hospitality. I wake up every day, happy and safe.
My luck runs ever deeper. And I am consistently grateful. And I’ll take a couple more hits at the roulette table. Please.
Thank you,