2019 in Review
This hands down been my best year for adventure. Not so much for accomplishment, but this has been my greatest adventure year by far. By far by far.
And it’s been incredible. In-Cre-Di-Ble.
If you don’t know. [why are you on this blog?]. I’ve been world traveling [Asia traveling, but now Central America] for the last 8-9 months., starting in April. But let’s start at the beginning of 2019.
As I prepared to leave, I was able to pull together a few awesome events in the Open Mic and dinner hosting.
W finished two different open mics, 6 and 7 Daylight and InSpirit in February and April along with Fresh Cuts in Philly.
I hosted a Mexican taco night, including some delicious traditional carnitas that Peter and I made, and a few vegetarian and vegan options. Andrea brings an artichoke dip. We celebrate my leaving with a small intimate dinner.
I forgot, until going back in the photos, that January was when I donated my hair. I’m very proud to have sent 16 inches to Wigs for Kids and raised a $400 donation [mostly from work] to Save the Children! I’m proud that I make outsized impacts. I’m happy to be part of the solution.
The last Open Mics were rounding successes, and I was continually filled with gratitude and amazement at the things I had been able to build. I know they haven’t remotely continued but in someways that reinforces the idea that the things I did were unique and not easy to copy or capture.
They will start again. Playground rules. Or Show and Tell. Or just another attempt to get my friends on stages.
This includes making the Open Mic multi-city. A run over from last year, we were able to bring the Open Mic to Philly. It was expensive but the Boom Room was a wonderful venue that hosted a resoundingly successful Open Mic. It was also just crazy fun to bring all my friends together in another city to share art and music. Let’s definitely reach out and find Philly fam to rerun it. Plans for Vancouver. Plans for Denver. Plans for Utila? Nashville? Texas? Cat Ba? Pai? World is my oyster right?
Shout out to Dan for being an excellent working partner. He really gave me space and support to make something I’m proud of. I’m glad he’s moved on to other successes in NYU Lagone. I’m sorry for the loss of his grandmother. She must be quite proud of her grandson.
The Drink and Draw, now called The Drawing Point, [@the.drawing.point], still lives on. For that, I’m extremely proud. Jared is an excellent artist, Amanda is a stunning model and the event is unique and different, something that perfectly fits into the New York art scene. They’ve started to have started to add a variety of models which is changing how people approach it. Congratulations guys on a successful year and I look forward to jumping into the next one. Like Elements, I think this could go into any festival. Bring some production. Bring some props. Get more bodies and skin tones involved. Set a smashing beginner’s lesson.

From that let’s move on to the big thing. Travel.
I have some mixed feeling on my travel. By which I mean it has all been fantastic.
I haven’t produced as much stuff as I wanted. And specifically, I haven’t been able to keep editing and posting them regularly. I also have not been able to make as much headway in the book as I would like, I need more dedicated time to really drive at the story. The Drone’s fallen off since China doesn’t allow flying and my Pixel got stolen.
But! The successes can’t be overstated. 4 countries and 50 cities in 8 months. Some of the most incredible experiences of my life. Friends I’ll never forget. Exploration and adventure and food and scenes that I wouldn’t give up for anything.
There are truly days that are the best of my life. Shots and Shrums. Waterfalls Slides. Asamushi-onsen. Mt. Hakodate. Hot Springs in Yakoshima. Ha Giang. Limestone Mountains. Climbing in Cat Ba. EDC Japan. Full Circle Jamboree at Woodstock. Valhalla. Lamma Island. Sourdough Class. Working Wellington School. Diving in Koh Tao. Opening the Skate Bar in Heifei. Family meals in Dali. That Singing circle on the street. Christmas Eve in Hue, Christmas Day in Hoi An. Killing and eating that Chicken in Phuong Nha. Oh My. God. So many good days. So many good memories. So many good friends.
I wouldn’t have traded these days for anything. A.N.Y.T.H.I.N.G.
[Memory is a bit a tricky thing though. I definitely remember the days in the past. But not in the High Definition, Curve Screen Detail I want. It’s more, feelings. I sort of wish for the photogenic memory some people have. And I resent the loss of clarity.]

I’ve been good about working out. I have taken no weight gain or loss and that’s because I am able to sneak in a wide collection of workouts. Mostly it’s been yoga, but I also have found ways to do weights and cardio. Swimming has been good where I can. Not much running, but I have done lots and lots of hiking and walking. It’s kept me in a good shape and will let me go at the triathletes again.
I’ve been super good about reading my poetry and have lots of experience in Pai and Cat Ba as well as some experiences in Hefei and Phuong Nha. I have read on lots of mics and it’s paid off in memorized poems [just two. But I’m good at like 3 or 4 or 5 now! I would love to spend some more time memorizing poems.]
I’ve added so many hobbies. Motorbiking through Vietnam. Learning to drive a manual bike through the curving mountain roads as well as the crazy side streets of Hanoi to the rush hour highways of Southern Vietnam. Through hiking and camping across Asia. Urban camping. Climbing mountain tops. Finding hidden waterfalls. Jungles and Valleys. Seeing old-old trees. Rock Climbing in Cat Ba. Top Rope. Leading. Deep solo. Scuba diving license in Thailand. Night dives. Perfect buoyancy. Meditation in so many places.
I’ve had some work experience too. From MC-ing events to bartending to food service. This hodgepodge of work has given me great appreciation for the work done. Even more, I’ve made great friends in those jobs and places. Purple Monkey. Friendship Concept. Secret Garden. Such worthwhile experiences.
I’ve also cooked a few good meals for people while abroad. It’s hard when kitchens are a rare commodity. But I was able to make hotpot in Tokyo, Hotpot in Vietnam, sautéed fish for Dali, pasta in Kyoto and Maebashi, sourdough in Shanghai, I brought Thai Koa Soy to Tahoe for some great friends. I’ve cooked a few times for myself as well, supplementing eating out with local fruits and veg and cuisine.
I’ve been eating great. Meals on meals. Flavors and experiences from a staggering spectrum of spices. Plenty of vegetables. I could stand to eat a bit more fruit but it’s a little expensive. But local fruits have been fantastic, filled with flavor. Healthy and delicious, in general. And plenty of ice cream.

I have spent way too much money. Some mistakes that were costly, like scooter damages. Flying Lisanne to Indonesia. Flying to America twice more music festivals. Japan for two months. Drinking. Drugs.
I’ve lost a lot of things. Phone twice. Nearly my passport. The Owl. Running shoes. Clothes, specifically socks and underwear. Waterbottles. So many pairs of sunglasses. [Thank you and sorry so much Elayne and Bodo]. My freaking trekking poles! Sigh. I wish I was better at keeping my possessions.
I have. I continue to have. This unshakable feeling of loneliness. I’ve tried to find so many ways to combat it. Adventure. Drinking. Drugs. Old friends. New Friends. Art. One night stands. Some attempts at relationships in the unstable lifestyle of a vagrant. Meditation. Hobbies. Nature. Writing Diaries. Food. I’m not sure if I’m going to solve this one. Is the feeling on me, deeply ingrained into my soul? Or if this is just another part of my brain sometimes lying to me and not being a good brain. Is there ways I can communicate my needs better? Are there physical or mental habits I can adopt to ease the distressing times? [Masturbation? Maybe?] Are there ways I can be there better for my friends? I’m not sure, but I’ll work to find out.

I’ve had so many experiences. Best days of my life, over and over. 3 out of 7 days a week are highlight -worthy days, truly worth every hour of day and night.
I’ve been able to work on the things important to me, like travel experiences, my writing, and my physical wellness. I am happy. Generous. Kind. Friendly. Adventurous.
2020 is another big year. I finish my book draft first of all. I also finish this round of traveling. I get a coding certification in at least 1 language, preferable 2. [Something useful. Python and Mobile coding. Whatever’s lightest and translates well to many phones/tablets]. I will get back into Ironman training, with the goal of completing an Ironman this year or next season. I will train yoga and find a sensei to get a yoga teaching certification, preferably in India, and hopefully bring my Mom to the retreat.
I will perform my poetry at a few Open Mics in New York [including TheMic! @Sydney] and find humility in not being nearly as good as anyone else but down to share my art.
I will restart the Open Mics and throw at least two in the next year. Aiming for Quarterlies
I will go back to volunteering, aiming for once a month. The community farm for sure.
I will read more, aiming for a book a month. Luckily the New York Subway is an excellent place to read. I’ve read the first of discworld and I’d probably continue some of that series. Finish Inferno.
Another Iron Chef. Another potluck. Make Bun Cha!! Koa Soy. Pho and Broths. Bahn Minh. Thai Curries, trying to use bird eye, ginger, turmeric, thai garlic.

This is always a problem. When your time is filled with too many good things to do, how do you carve out enough time for yourself to explore much less to write or edit. I’m actually a solidary person by nature, and my introverted self has not been able to keep up with my extroverts pull. As such, I’ve had just a few too many to drink, and a few too few words about it this year. Next year, I’d like to find a balance. I believe better stability in my living situation and a little more discipline will help. Especially in the small cleaning things.
Still! There is plenty that has been done. And plenty of time still. I’m even headed to South America to specifically get away from this backpacker madness and hope that the switch up will help me find that space. I will go running to Honduras to find another homebase and not move much to 1) save money and 2) spend more time writing.
If last year was the year of travel, a year of Air, this year is a year of Earth. Many things. The book is the priority, as is continuing to push the blog, and write and read more poetry. The travel time is “ending”. As I find cheap, fun places to stay, good wifi and power, I will be spending extra writing days, as well as write a little every day. The theme is work, so I will work.
When I get back, it is coding academy, Job searching, as well as Iron Man, as well as preparing for yoga teaching, Open Mic, Performance art, community service. I want to pick up my life where I left it, plus the knowledge of the world, of my experiences, of my discipline to work hard at things and be exacting. And transition another big year of change to set up the following years of success.
Cheers and Love to You and Yours. A exceptional 2019, and a better 2020