Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

First Lift of the New Year

3x4ea DB Snatch w. 40/45/50

3/3/2/2 w. 130/145/165/155 HC
lt. 4x6ea 40/45/45/50 elev. SL Squat

6/5/5/5/6 w. 175/195/205/215/185 DL
lt. 5x16 elev. Bosu Ball Pushups

2x8 Dips
lt. 2x8 w. 5 Hanging Leg Raises
lt. 2x8ea w. 30 DB Curls

Wow. Longer lift than I thought, especially for the first one coming back and feeling a little sick. Still, no huge weights. Terrible form all around. I was definitely more tired than I wanted to be. Rob gave me his number, said he'd help me with a DL clinic and I could totally use it. I'd like to lift more. Try to follow up with him.
We had a bit of a discussion over why people lift, and I suggested that I had background in lifting to compete in swimming. And that's sort of explains why I have this different philosophy/workouts/form. It's not really an excuse, just highlighting differences in approaches and execution. I'm excited to try a deadlift clinic. Apparently it's not super hard and I'd love to lift more weight.

Sunday Morning Yoga

Just Keep Swimming