3x5 HC/FSq 45/65/80
5/4/3/2 HC 95/115/130/130
2x[16 v-up
16ea cherrypickers w. 9
12ea elev hip raises
10ea superman on swiss ball
16 leg raises w. 9
16 curl ups]
8/8/6/6 TB Sq w. 135/155/175/195
3x30 Battle ropes
Trying to just get back into the gym and hit the weight room. It was definitely driven by vanity, but also just frustrated at not being able to lift and be strong. Plus, turkey cup incoming. Need to get some legs. And a little bigger.
It's frustrating for sure to be just at shitty weight. I got confused transcribing the lift at how low the weights were and how few reps I did of shit. I do definitely need to keep it light, especially today, after the manual labor.
I need to get better at the rest. Because it's three legged stool and honestly I have two but a stumpy third one, and it's making the seat uneven. I can't balance like this! I even have the mental platform pretty good.
Sucks I'm getting back into lifting as I'm about to quite Equinox. It's just too fucking expensive and like I need to save money. Plus I am lifting less in order to pick up running. And keep yoga and swimming. The idea is to lift into Thanksgiving, transitioning into running. Then, around those "maxes" will guide the minor lifting I continue as I try to run and bike? See if I can inherit one? I want to get back to 4/5 main lifts, plus ancillary stuff? DL, Squat, Bench, Hang Clean, Step ups? Pushing? Shoulder Shrugs?
Uh made a cool friend as the membership adviser. He's a pretty good guy, but from a completely different world, which is fascinating but also requires a new perspective from me? I guess that's partially why I like being friends, challenging my perspectives? He's high fashion. A really cool guy, admirably working on it.
Anyway so far so good.