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6x150 50k/d/s IMO

6x300 fr/IM/bk


Wd ~4300

Trying to get some long swimming in, do a little cardio work. Honestly I haven’t physically felt healthy either and I think a good resettling of a exercise cycle could do wonders. But all the fucking PT, Injury crap I have to keep up with is exhausting and it feel ineffective even as it’s like, well it hurts more you stupid fuck because you’re not doing anything

Fuck that worked, I’m going to stretch after this.

Reasonable swim. Nothing was fast, but I actually put some distance in. Had pretty good form. Did real breath control. And Kicking.

Pretty much did what I needed to do there. Good work.

Hey! That’s step one! Nice!

And breathed. Chilled.

Alright, found it for a second. It took a couple things, chores, food, gym, treating myself nice, volunteered, took mom and dad out. Wrote plenty. Good work, you did the things.

Anyway, nice. Good job friend. Love.