Recovery is a Journey
Again yoga with the new teacher. I arrived late because work kept me up and missing that initial stretching is annoying for me, I'd rather be 10 minutes early that 5 minutes late, because my body takes a little more to get going. It also changes the mental state a lot, I'm way more receptive to instruction and my own body's signals with a gradual increase of pace.
I've been more resigned to my injury recently. I'm going to defer my marathon I guess? I have this tiny hope that I can still make it, but as August rolls around and I haven't run more than 2 miles at a time, plus my feet are beginning to bother me again, I don't think it's safe for me to even walk 26.2 miles, much less try to jog it.
MRI/X Ray is my next move, I haven't had a free moment. Going to try next week, Monday, call insurance, set for Tues/Wed/Thurs. Go to PT over the weekend or next Monday.