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Sunday Swimming


7x50 fly,fly/bk,bk,bk/br,br,br/fr,fr

150 s

3x100 fr on 1:40 desc [1:05, 1:03, 1:01]


3x100 bk on 1:40 desc [1:11, 1:10, 1:08]


3x100 IM on 1:40 desc [1:15, 1:11, 1:07]



Not an outstanding swim, but I def can’t be mad. The 100s bk were a struggle, as were the first and second IM, though I dug a little bit for that last one. I didn’t feel that high in the water, so it never felt like I was gliding, but I kept great form and was really focused on stretching my strokes out and kicking and breathing.

I also reflected a little on the injury journey and when I couldn’t even breaststroke kick at all, and now I can do IM set again! And I’m not even close to being finished, but I need to continue to be patient and consistent and I hope that I will finally be free of the neck and knee for a long time. Then it will take some form correction to avoid further aggravation, because blessed are the times that my body is whole and I have to not take it for granted and keep good care.