Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Weight Up

6/8/8 bksq w. 135/155/65
alt. 4x8 dbdl w. 45/50/50/55

3x8ea kneeling oblique pull downs w. 20/22.5/25
alt. 4x20 elev. push up on bosu ball

2x8ea bicep curls w. 30/30
alt. 2x10 dips
alt. core [vups, side plank leg raises, toe ups, leg lifts]

Not a great lift weight wise, but I did the motions I wanted, and got in, and worked pretty hard on that core stuff. I had a great catch up with Pluto about his life, the work, the hustle, his rerecording music, school, and seeing his mom and dad, and prep for the open mic.

I feel great. need some sleep. My eye is a mess from the screens, which, fuck me, alright bed,

7 miles After Turkey Trot

10 Miles and Fighting Death