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Yoga is fun. I competed first in the plank competition at 5:10. I coulda maybe tried a bit more, but I was shaking a bit and I wanted to get into the yoga class.

But also I got crushed, someone went for 10 minutes about an hour later while we were in the class.

George got me into the class and it was the Vernal Equinox and they also provided food. Now it was great, they catered a whole tray of Mac&Cheese [although, I think Equinox is a billion dollar business. Sooo... 1 Tray? Hm]

Yoga was good. It's nice to take this easy class, Ariel gave some excellent support. I am a big fan of her awesome self. Brianna (?) and I gushed for a second over the food and her class.

Thought a bit about what I'm working on. A lotus gesture gave me some thoughts about what I'm trying to build in myself. I'm a little afraid of being as authentic as I am, particularly when a little intimated. That being said, I'm killing the game. Writing, planning, being kind and open and engaged. Working out. Doing the work. I could use some sleep and PT, but even then.

Tomorrow is a snowday. Need the time. D some work. Meditate. Sit down and stretch slowly.

Tomorrow is a stretch day. Thursday is a swim/lift? Some cardio, a nice stretchy lift.