Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.


4x12/10/6/4 DB Frt Sq w. 75/95/115/115
alt. 3x8 DB DL w. 40/45/50

3x10 DB Bench w 45/50/50
alt. 3x10ea standing row w 30/35/40
alt. 3x10ea shoulder circuit



5x100 IM on 2:00 at 1:10ish



Nice commitment today. Made a double after book club. Not a particularly long or difficult but I got through everything I wanted including all my house chores. Tomorrow a bit of a lax day, something I want to use for writing and creator, maybe guitar and tarot but I'll hit a person or two up in case I can fit a friend for a smoke and chill.

The idea is a yoga, lift and cardio before setting for a long bike and short run on Sunday.


50 miles around Staten Island