6 miles fast
Just did the 6 miles, fast, under 50 minutes, once around the park. Kept a reasonable uptempo pace through 90% of the run. Finished a little hard. Had good kick back and long strides.
Wanted to bike long and run today, but didn't cuz lazy. Going to fit some amount of workout tomorrow, hopefully a double. If not, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday. Some combination of Bike/Run, Yoga/Swim, Run. [Nothing super long. 10/12]. Then Thurs and Friday Rest. The Tri is literally just a long workout. No race pace. Just fun.
Week after is another long Bike/Run and Long Run. [-4 weeks]
Week after that is Bike/Run, Medium Run, More swimming, More Yoga [-3 weeks]
Week after that is Bike/Run, Medium Run, More Swimming, Yoga, Stretching, massage [-2 weeks]
Week is rest. Some biking. A short run or two. Medium Swim. Stretching. Massage. Stretching yoga. [-1 week]