Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Lifting my Mind Away

4x2/3ea bands
alt. 3x10ea I’s Y’s T’s (Do the next one on the bench)
alt. 3x5ea DB Snatch w. 35/45/50

4x8/8/8/6/7 DB Front Squat w. 95/115/135/115
alt. 3x10 Face Pulls w. 35/45/52

3x10 Seated Pulls w. 42/50/55
alt. 3x8ea Lat Pulls downs and Bicep pulls w. 35/42/37
alt. 3x6ea Lat Squats w. 25

Good lift, really sweated and worked especially that 6 front squat with 135. Failure on 7 but mostly from the bar leaning. Means I got to work on core next I think. More core work each time.

Otherwise, excellent!


Post Thanksgiving Yoga