Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Back from Elements

Warm up

3x8ea Shoulder Circuit w 5/8/8
alt. 3x8 Goblet Squat w. 45/50/55
alt. 3x12ea Rotator Cuff

3x10 Seated Row w. 55/55/75
alt. 3x10/8/6 Leg Press w. 135/185/225
alt. Shoulder press and pull w band and circle

wd 1500

Easy today, just getting back in. Nice warm up on the legs. Worked some shoulder PT stuff. Setting up for yoga tomorrow and then back into lifting and swimming and running. Nice.

Pre GET REAL Work Out
