Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Day Zero to Day One

Warm up including PT stretches

3x10ea I’s, T’s, Y’s w. 8
alt. 3x3ea press and pull w band and circle
alt. 3x10ea Lateral Squat w. 20

4x10ea Ft Sq w. 45/95/115/130/100
alt. 4x10ea Shoulder Circuit
alt. Foam Roll

3x10 DB DL w. 40/50/60
alt. 3x10 Band Over Head
alt. 3x10 On Swiss Ball rotation

2x16 Vups w. 10
alt. 2x25 Cherry Pickers w. 25
alt. 2x16 V lifts

Very good lift. The extra Ftsq was great. I feel pretty good with the weight after the vaca.

More sleep. More foam roll. Pray for momentum. Let’s get it. Also some running please.

Day 2: Swim

Victory Lap