Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Run in the Rain

After that horrible message, and feeling all the emotions, I decided to run in the freezing rain. I dressed in the waterproof, under plenty of layers and gloves and the new shoes. Stretched and took off into the park.

The rain was cold but I eventually even got kinda used to it and then kinda not. It was a tough one for sure. Then the rain stopped and the birds flew and you never earn that break if you don’t run through the storm

other runners were very friendly but there were very few.

Wet dog smell.


Brooklyn Bridge footsteps.

7 solid miles. It must have been. Came back to a painfully hot shower and everything I could eat.


Relaxing Swim