What my Asian Mother Would Tell Young Black Leaders

Months and Months of experience and work have culminated into this letter. I spent all of the summer commuting daily with the protestors. I worked hard, stayed humble, and listened to black leadership. After serious thinking, I turn to them the same advice my mother gave to me. I was able to read this at Uprising Sun on Feb 4th.

Jan 7th Inaugural

Opening Piece for Uprising: Inaugural discussing the important events that happened in our nations capital on January 6th 2021 , where the Capital Building of the United States was invaded and occupied by domestic conspirators and dissenters to peace transfers of power. A poorly attempted coup.

Science, God, and Conspiracy

I discuss why stories have always been the foundation of human belief, why that continues, what the modern stories we tell ourselves are, and why true agnostics are the on the correct path. In my opinion. Read along for current discussions of sad-but-real-life!

2020 in Review

Another year, another open letter to myself. 2020 has been. unique. There are many blessing to be accounted for, and space to grow from lessons learned. Please read if you would like!

Ultimately Utila

The last of the adventures, taking me from Utila to home. It’s a lot of sadness, but I couldn’t be more proud of the last few weeks before leaving. The island was filled with adventure and joyful souls. Come join for the last of the adventures. Not exactly what I wanted, but I will be back, one day soon, with more tales of travels and exploration. Cheers!

Finding Holbox

A gorgeous paradise exists in the northern Yucatan peninsula. A little hidden island is home to the most beautiful beaches, creatures, and people. Finding my way there is complete happenstance, but it’s so excellent I can’t wait to go back.

Bad Habits

A live performance at the Wonderful Olivia Durfey’s open mic in September. Really enjoyed being in the space, including the little Doug theme song sing-a-long.

Hawk Attack

A small story and huge photo drop of motorbiking in Vietnam. It’s a classic Vietnam travel experience and for good reason. The ability to get that close to the country is unparalleled and thoroughly worth every minute, risks and all. Sorry for the huge delay. So many things piled up, but enjoy the video at the bottom for a collection of rides and friends.