Hi! My name's Winston Chiang and if you're really reading this Website, sincerely appreciate you for visiting! This website will mostly be composed of personal entries of my various hobbies and view points. Posts will be irregular, but around 5 a month.

They will range from Travel experiences to Poetry to Political Musings to Personal vignettes to Media reviews and everything in-between. I am so grateful for any engagement; reading, commenting, sharing. I am starving for feedback so please reach out in any way to let me know what you think! Praise is great, but criticism would be more useful!

Essentially I have arrived at a point where I have multiple interests in various fields but without any of the experience or knowledge to feel confident in publishing or sharing anything worth sharing but I know that nothing comes free and time invested. Therefore, most of the messy work will be collected here, and maybe in some 10 years I can look back at the small steps and see the journey as a whole and be proud.

Follow me on Instagram @winston.chiang for mostly food/workout/art photos. Find me on Facebook for events! [Please, please, please come to my events ^.^]