Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Rare Form Lift

Let’s see.

PT and Stretching warm up

3x10 Angels
alt. 3x10 Shoulder Circuit
alt. 3x10 I’s, T’s, Y’s w. 10lbs

4x5/5/5/2 BB HC w. 95/115/135/145
alt. 4x10ea SL Squat

4x10/10/10/6 BB DL w. 155/175/185/205
alt. 4x16/14/14/12 Decline Bench w. 55/95/115/125

Pretty good. Had to work fast, got some breathing in, was a little woozy sometimes but always safe. Sweated. No core though, a priority for next time

25 Miles on the Bike