Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

United Ways Winter Kits for Kids

We spent an hour at work with United Ways to decorate tote bags that were gifted to underprivileged kids in Mott Haven, Bronx, NYC. The tote bags were filled with warm clothing and accessories. The idea was to provide kids from budget constrained families vital supplies for the winter and giving them opportunity to go to school and be healthier.

It was a cool event with lots of participants, like 80ish, all in the big room. I thought at first, that this would a manual labor intensive event, filling tote bags. Instead it was mostly creative as we were giving 4 blank bags each, and cut cardstock to write messages on.

I am no great artist, but a couple of people had some impressive drawing and coloring skills, including penguins, flowers, Spongebob and a Christmas dinosaur.

I had a reasonable snowman and penguin that were at least passable, but I did try to make nice cards and write nice things.

I never used “Merry Christmas” which is sort of a shame because I celebrate Christmas even if I’m not necessarily religious. It’s interesting how society can be pressured by itself, and that we really flatten culture to make way for equality and diversity.

I’m not taking a firm stance on this debate here. I don’t care much either way. If some people are indeed insulted or offended by “Merry Christmas”, one, get a hobby. Two, fine I’ll do whatever to avoid the inconvenience of an argument I don’t care about.

Anyway I had a good time. It was a short event, not effort intensive, but I’m glad I could add to the New Year’s Resolution with the extra event


Black Panther with the PS 208

Music for Autism