Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Regular Farm Hand @UCC East New York Farms

Today’s farm chores included weeding, digging up and rebuilding a bed, putting up an awning.

Green Thumb was giving away native plants, trees, medicinal herbs and flowers in the morning. I did not help with this, but I was astonished at the amount of the community that came out to get stuff.

I biked over, about 8 miles each way. It was unbelievably better than the subway [although, writing.] It took about the same amount of time and the eastern parkway is a pretty easy path, although the far side is definitely better for biking from the curb.

Biking through the communities was cool too, I’m definitely seeing way more of Brooklyn than I ever before.

I fell like the farm is such a good safe space. Everyone who came buy was exceedingly friendly. I think the good weather has changed New York for the better. People are politer and kinder. I left my bike unlocked just right in the main farm stand, no issues. My phone was in it’s bike holder for most of the time too. Not a worry.

I’m going to vibe harder. I think we’ve made a change in the community around me and I want to increase it as it’s easier to ride momentum.

They gave the chickens away, Kendra is going to Arizona, no bees right now, and management is changing, so there are a lot of moves going on in the farm. I’m interested to see what happens and settles as I hang around.

I’m still around though. Bring Pat and TJ and Brittany. I want to make an outsized impact in the farm before I leave.

I have to miss the next one for the Tri, but the one after that should be possible! June 2nd.

Farm Hands

Books Through Bars