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First Lift of the New Year

3x4ea DB Snatch w. 40/45/50

3/3/2/2 w. 130/145/165/155 HC
lt. 4x6ea 40/45/45/50 elev. SL Squat

6/5/5/5/6 w. 175/195/205/215/185 DL
lt. 5x16 elev. Bosu Ball Pushups

2x8 Dips
lt. 2x8 w. 5 Hanging Leg Raises
lt. 2x8ea w. 30 DB Curls

Wow. Longer lift than I thought, especially for the first one coming back and feeling a little sick. Still, no huge weights. Terrible form all around. I was definitely more tired than I wanted to be. Rob gave me his number, said he'd help me with a DL clinic and I could totally use it. I'd like to lift more. Try to follow up with him.
We had a bit of a discussion over why people lift, and I suggested that I had background in lifting to compete in swimming. And that's sort of explains why I have this different philosophy/workouts/form. It's not really an excuse, just highlighting differences in approaches and execution. I'm excited to try a deadlift clinic. Apparently it's not super hard and I'd love to lift more weight.