Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Short Swim

4x400 fr,k,p,fr
8x75 IMO k,d,s
10x50 on :35


Still on the theme of recovery, I just wanted to get into the pool, stretch it all out, and then a touch of speed. I barely hit 3000 but it was nice. The last set I made 7, missed 8 and just put my head down for 9 and 10, which came in combined for about a 1:14/1:15

I want to stretch and sleep more, plus maybe another 3-4 serving of vegetables a week. And then prep for going vegetarian for 2/3 weeks.

Need to sign up for the marathon.

Tuesday Night Yoga

Yoga/Week of Recovery