Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Long Swim!


8x75 K,S IMO

300 swim Fr, Bk, Fr
Alt. 100 fast Fr, Bk, IM (1:03,1:05,1:08)

5x50Fr on :35

WD ~3700

Man it was a huge relief to get back in the pool. And I felt way better than I thought I was going to. I made every 50 on that last set, and 4 of them around 31~32. I killed it. Ugh it was so nice I almost didn't want to stop.

The goal is to get 1-2 yoga's in over the weekend and either another swim or lift. It'll be tough to get it around the family coming in, but i'll try my best and have Monday be the safety day.

Good work! Took two weeks off and I felt spectacular!

Side note, man I have to remember that not getting some serious exercise after about two weeks causes my mental and physical being to be less nice. I just don't feel as upbeat. My body is tight and cramped. I don't sleep as well. Even in recovery, set time aside to get some sort of exertion in.

Saturday Yoga and Mediation

Injury, Meditation, and Impatience