Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

The Commitment

4x6/4/6/8 ftsq w. 45/95/125/135
alt. 4/6/6/8 pull ups

4x8 trapbar sq w. 95/125/155/175
alt. 4x8 DB shoulder press w. 30/30/32.5/35

3x8 bench w. 95/115/125
alt. 3x8 facepulls w. 45

Not a particularly impressive lift but super proud of the commitment. Late from work, not on much sleep, all my shit pretty done.

So I’m glad I got in!

Try for a swim/yoga before ship. DO YOGA ON THE SHIP FIRST DAY.


Athletic Yoga at YMCA
