Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Lost 6 lbs?!

5x5/5/8/8/8 Sq w. 95BB/125BB/45DB/50DB/60DB
alt. 4x5 BB DL w. 95/135/165/185

3x8 Incline bench 95/115/125
alt. 3x20 alt arm, leg on swiss ball
alt. 3x8 bicep curls
alt. 3x8ea shoulder circuit on bench



164 weight, naked, after

I hopped/jog my way to the gym today because I was so excited to get to the gym. The last thing I did was yoga on Wednesday. I watched a few of Cody Miller’s vlogs, who I’ve come to really enjoy. His infectious attitude to training definitely bolstered my mood to get through a weak-ass double.

The idea was to go through big motions with care. Thus, squat, deadlift, bench. But god damn I was weak. I mean yeah I was just sick with the stomache flu on Wednesday but I was surprised, because I thought I was going to feel great. Well, I mean I had a good lift. Had good energy. I really warmed up well and stretch.

But the squats started going wrong when my left knee was really bothersome. I had felt it on stairs the last couple days, and it started feeling better, but I really did not want to push it. So after a few attempts at 135 and not feeling comfortable, I switched to DB Sq to go through motions.

The rest of it was nice. Reasonable pace. Enjoyed being in the gym again.

I got into the pool and my knee was still really bothering me in all the kicking and pushing off. I took it really slow, did a lot of breaststroke kick, which didn’t hurt as much. And then I decided that after just 1500, I would leave.

I weighted myself after to find to my shock that I was 163-164! That’s like at least 6lbs down! What the fuck! Where did that go?

I think I’m going to eat more, recover more, add the weight back intelligently. I’m aiming for the State Island bike ride on 4/22. Then the Olympic or half Iron on May 19th. That’s kind of perfect timing all around.

I’m over the vegetarianism. I’ll continue to keep eating lots of greens and fiber, but I think for muscles and general wellness, I’m going to get back to eating meat.

Alright. The idea for this week is a run, a yoga, and a flex. Keep doing PT regularly



Yoga Fundamentals