4x8 DB FrtSq w 65/85/95/105
alt. 4x8 pull ups
3x8 DB DL w. 40/45/50
alt. 4x8 bosu push up
3x8 DB bicep curls w. 15/20/25
alt. 3x8 overhead tricep pulls
alt. 3x8ea swiss ball alt leg and arm lift
1 mile run
So I had a good lift, I actually felt like I held a good heart rate, had great form, and even though it was little weight, and gave good effort.
The run though, I ended up with my right thigh and knee really hurt. It cut short the run. I think it hip flexor related so the next goal is too keep stretching. I do not want to be injured. Injury prevention is the most important thing.
I go the bike, so I will be biking tomorrow and work on trying to get a run in as well. Trying to work on getting this distance up. No injury. Stretch often