Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.


3x5 hang cleans w. 95/115/135

2x8 Bk Sq w. 95/145 FAILED
alt. 3x6 DL w. 135/135/135

jump rope
3x8 machine rows w 55/65/75
3x10 hanging toe ups

just kind of a garbage lift. It’s fine, yoga tomorrow and something Saturday meant I had a freebie. I don’t know, I just failed on the squat, didn’t really have much of a direction anyway, and just lost my motivation as I had other things I wanted to get to.

Whatever. It’s been a bit since I had a bad lift, but we all deserve that and I made it in on a productive day so no hate!

Hot yoga @ Lion's Den
