Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Labor Day Lift

On labor day weekend but alliteration!

5x8/8/6/4/2 bksq w. 95/135/160/185/195

5x6 DL w. 95/135/155/185/195

3x10 DB Bench w 40/50/55
alt. 3x8ea DB row w 40/50/55
alt. 3x16 inverted situps w. 10

good lift. Showed dad a deadlift. His form was good when he concentrated but I'm a bit afraid that he might take it less seriously when I'm not around and hurt himself. Or just not do it.

I worked real slow, it took me about 2 hours to do this.

It was partially helping dad, part just taking my time. Good final weight on that squat tho, try more next week. 205??? I love hitting that 200 club!

Biked Governers island

Running from my problems