Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.


Hello hello friends. I’ve spent some time reading, digesting, and talking about Charlottesville, race, politics, and how those stories are part of America’s past and present. I would like to offer my opinion which I hope addresses some nuances succinctly, because the truth resists simplicity!

[Side note, though it only happened in August, it literally feels like years ago. Time has stretched and slowed as Trump continues to blackhole the news cycle. If I have a complaint about MSM, it’s their inability to turn away. They just warp the already tired story around itself until there is just a singularity: Trump is bad. Here’s 15 hundred reasons why.

You know Yemen’s Civil War is causing Cholera outbreaks? Venezuela is on the brink of it as well. South Africa’s election is so corrupt and ridiculous it actually makes the electoral college look halfway decent. Netanyahu is facing criminal investigation! The Myanmar Nobel Laureate for the Peace Prize is facing criticism for staying silent on their on-going genocide of the Muslim minority, causing another refugee crisis. India, Bangladesh and Nepal have had thousands killed and millions displaced over abnormally bad monsoon rains as Houston, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Caribbean have years of clean up ahead and all brace for more.

The world is bigger than America. Anyway. Onward to the event horizon.]

At Charlottesville, a coalition of many races, backgrounds, beliefs systems, and economic circles; including many local residents, stood up bravely against an organized, armed, and extensive network of Nazi's, KKK members, and the Alt Right.

There were outbreaks of violence from high strung emotions on both ends. Weaponized pepper spray and bludgeons. Insults and threats. An angry and aggressive environment. But one side is undoubtedly the main perpetrators and the antagonists. There isn’t an equivalency.


If you’re harboring doubts about the realities of eroding white privilege. If you’re confused, curious, or questioning about the legitimacy of remaining inequalities. If you’ve passively inherited an overwhelming history but something wonders if you’ve got a blind spot; I applaud you for trying to think critically. It’s important that we all challenge our own beliefs and prejudices. Do not just accept some status quo. Do not believe that any thought is immune to critique. Fight Nazi’s arguments as you fight the theory of intersectional feminism as you question the merits of communism against democracy against fascism.  No good idea dissuades discussion or argument. They welcome it.

I’ll leave you to ingrain the ideas of discussions and challenges [politely. Listen 2x as much as you Speak. Ask questions. Read broadly.] but I’ll outline why Black people continue the fight that echoes from the Haitian revolution to the Civil War to the Civil Rights Movement to Black Lives Matter.

African Americans are no longer counted as three-fifths-of-a-human livestock but 1) Many can trace their descendants to slavery, 2) One generation before they were just “Negros” or “Colored” and 3) There continues to be issues with equality. Particularly from the criminal justice system, the Drug War, the Federal Housing Administration, the challenges of their unique social cultures, and the difficulties of overcoming the prejudice of others [and sometimes themselves].  None of this is helped by the recent recession and the stagnation of America’s growth against the inevitable upper limit of human wealth and the world resources.

Now for President Tiny-Hands, Tinier-Cock, Tiniest-Brain. Trump's fault is his own for not being impartial with his condemnation. There was violence, but by not calling it out by name, Trump seems to make a false equivalency between Nazi's and BLM, especially in the eyes of the extreme right, which takes heart and praise from Trump's words. He corrected himself the next day, but his failure of leadership was the initial (and continued) statements. The Office he holds has a historical standard of moral statue and the forefront of America doing the right thing. Drumphf is unable to do any of it and is a pathetic, old, unhealthy, ignorant, thin-skinned, tactless, uneducated, stupid, ugly, fat stain of garbage and grime. He’s so dense and big headed, I’m surprised his head doesn’t collapse. He deserves every critic, every derision, every middle finger, every karmic consequence direct at him, and then some. Fuck Donald John Trump. He’s not fit to serve as President of the United States. Full stop.


As I unapologetically lambast our worst president ever, I’m also going to controversially countenance a large percentage of the actual protestors as more circumstantially overlooked than actual Nazi's.

Many of these young white men [and women] are facing decreasing growth and opportunities. They acutely feel the perceived loss of privilege; their personal failures are attributed to “feminazi’s” or “affirmative action”, “job stealing immigrants”, “libtards”. I’ve seen pictures and not to judge but more than a couple are probably wanting for social and mental support to help them become well adjusted. They come from towns with inadequate investments in infrastructure, in job readiness, in education. And in this increasing quiet desperation, they turn to drugs [opioid epidemic], alcohol [increase of alcohol abuse], and hate. All of this is heightened by the toxic standard of masculinity that demands them to be stronger, harder, better than the average. [It also aligns nicely with American Patriotism and nationalism in general]

The anger is likely misdirected by Alt-Right, Nazis, and KKK leaders against everyone else. They gain a sense of community [especially online], that is perverted and despicable, sure; but is understandably a refuge for a group that feels marginalized. Gang membership function similarly where normal structures fail.

So, while they are chanting Nazi slogans, a good portion of the crowd is begging for attention and help, not radical race relation reversals.


I saw the Vice bit on Chris Caldwell, and I cannot believe his hometown was Stony Brook, the backyard of where I grew up. Or the Japanese word tattoo on his shoulder. [Truth. Although it should say Irony.]

But I also saw Colbert’s old bit on him as part of the Meter Maid harassment squad. You can see his original peer group in that trio. And I think I could easily extrapolate the lines that draw his path into radicalism. I mean, look how many people like him now? He’s moved up; way more popular than Nails-Running-Through-a-Jew-Fro and Pity-We-Didn’t-Save-Garrett. They think he’s quite the leader. Quite the revolutionary.

Mr. Caldwell wants to be a man, to be respected. That’s why he shot guns. That’s why he started working out and losing weight. Why he’s annoyed his OkCupid profile is taken down. He probably loves Fight Club for all the wrong reasons, is a huge historical military buff, and got a “manly” tattoo [the other option was a tribal band around his bicep].

It’s still despicable. I’m not mitigating how much of a flaming trash dump he is. I’d almost pity him for his miniscule self-esteem and ignorance except that he’s actually a bigoted 3/5ths wit. But you must understand your enemy to beat them, and I can see why such a loser would be attracted to the unsavory role of most childish. *ahem* Most whiny. *ahem* Only the biggest bully to the smallest threat. *ahem* failure.



Look. I know it looks bad. And I’m just some random millennial typing on a keyboard. But I believe in America. I love this country. I promise I’m doing my best to make it what I truly imagine equal opportunity to be. I’m so thankful for those who fight and defend it. I trust my Country to make the right progress. One painful step at a time.

We’re not perfect. We never were. Our Constitution, as part of the Great Compromise, still has it written that a black slave counts as 3/5ths of a person [and Native Americans as not!] The Civil Rights Movement was only 40 years ago, after more fighting [at least that one didn’t take a Civil War]

American exceptionalism isn’t Inherited; Greatness was not handed to us. It’s seized by each generation, each marginalized group, when those individuals believe in their equality, opportunity, promise of freedom. When those individuals find their voice, strength, and communities, they make it so. Together.

At the end I think we're actually making quite a bit of progress. such a grand collection of counter protesters really showed that Americans do stand up against intolerable ideas. We’ve got lots to do, but I think we've rounded the corner to a real intersectional understanding of privileged, struggle, equality, and shared battles. I hope we continue to stand individually and make the right choices and take heart when the vast majority of Americans feel the same way. I hope we forgive each other, continuously, as we try, fail, learn, and try again.

God Bless, be safe, and much love.

Office Appropriate

Alcohol and Optimism