All tagged Race

2022 In Review

Another year, another review. Big gratitude for all of the parts of my life, including you if you have been here at all. Please enjoy looking back on the progress of making me!

What my Asian Mother Would Tell Young Black Leaders

Months and Months of experience and work have culminated into this letter. I spent all of the summer commuting daily with the protestors. I worked hard, stayed humble, and listened to black leadership. After serious thinking, I turn to them the same advice my mother gave to me. I was able to read this at Uprising Sun on Feb 4th.

Black Panther stands above and apart in the Parthenon of superhero movies in many aspects. It's diverse, it's got a great message, it looks beautiful, and it's an important and successful first step to making the mainstream more representative. There's a few legitimate criticisms, but that's high level nitpicking. However, that's pretty much what this blog is!

Genuine, gentle, nuanced opinion on the Charlottesville protests, quickly reviewing the obvious [Fuck Trump. Fuck Nazi's. Black Lives Matter.] and expanding on some nuances [They're justifiably angry, there's so much worse, we should be optimistic.] I'm trying to be fair, honest, balanced, truthful. Persuasive if you're so inclined. Enjoy! Take it as a whole! Cheers!