Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Farming is kind of my favorite.

Back at the farm! It's amazing, I really like being there. I did arrive an hour late, because the subways aren't running and I accidentally just auto piloted on a dt 5 instead of 4, and it took me totally the wrong way. I had to hop on a bus for 45 minutes, crossing East Flatbush to East New York. Still, I got some reading and writing done, and i got an interesting poem on the bus about the bus. Also just such strange demographics on the area and the bus. Cool to see.

The farm was good. Lot of volunteers, NYU had a student group called Outreach, 4 hands and the gang sign. Also a sorority association? Cool that the sorority is trying to do some good, but they weren't very effective volunteers haha.

They added a bunch of chickens, including 2 roosters. I heard them cockadoodledoo! It's surprisingly a great onimonopea.

I did mostly compost, which agreed isnt' my favorite chore, but I did have a good time with the four girls. We bonded over Mean Girls references, Youtubeers/Instagram and just general shit. I think I've got an uncanny ability to befriend anyone. It's broad interests, particularly the nerdy bits that surprising cover a large portion of younger people.

The farmers market was great. I chatted with David to try to get a job or be more involved as the farm closes for Nov to Feb. I'd like to just be a part of it, i don't know if it'll ever be the job, but maybe it'll make a fun part time thing? Just do some emails? i don't know. Careful of adding more, but in the new year this could take over the monthly volunteer commitment.

Took some produce, just a handful tho. Mostly peppers, couple of tomatoes. I like that, during harvest I will try to take a bit of something. Call it tipping.


Habitat with the Co-Workers

BARC Shelter Willamsburg