Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

PT and Swimming

11! fr, 9,6,3 bk 8,4 im

200im ladder
50fly, 100 fly/bk, 150fly/bk/br, 2im, 2im, 150fly/bk/br, 100 fly/bk, 50fly

7x50 fr on :35


I went to PT first and they were great. the Chiropractor in particular is my favorite, cracking my back and neck all over. it was beautiful

I also got some injections, that were meant to loosen my knots around my neck. It didn't seem to help much. Regardless, the more consistent I am at this, the better.

The swim was good. I made all the 50s and my fly felt pretty good. It was quick, I had to go to a bar after. The pool was very empty because I was way late and closed the pool

Yoga and Meditation

Fast, Hard, Quick