Practicing the art of publishing and relentless Optimism against the INEVITABLE flow of time and my own self consciousness by not taking it too seriously.

New York.

Hatha-yoga at the Y

So after the tri I wanted to get some stretching done and luckily as part of that perfect day, the Y offered a 12pm Hath-yoga class, which was exactly what I was looking for.

I get to the class and because I’d never had that teacher before, she had an eye on me. I did do yoga, I was very into the mood building but I felt like somehow we weren’t communicating correctly. To be fair, I often breath slower that the guided breath, but I always feel like we are supposed to work on our own breath. I hold stretches a little longer, I tend to be a step behind, and I like sinking into any pose as much as I can.

She chided me a few times, including once when I was actually a little dizzy like I get. However, I learned that I should humble myself, because it is her class as a matter of respect, and I should also trust her guidance.

Anyway the class felt good. It was definitely needed after the tri. I biked around Prospect a bit after, just casually but every mile counts.

4 Miles and Biking to and from Work

Last Swim