8x150 K/D IMOx2
2x500 fr
8x150 K/D IMOx2
2x500 fr
2x[3x300 s,k,p]
4x200 IM,fr,IM,bk]
2x500 swim
5x8 DB Squat 40/40/45/50/55
Alt. 5x8 Pull ups
3x6 BB DL 95/135/135/155
4x16 Push up
4x20ea Standing Lunges
injured swim, not good, must be patient but must still do work
Jogged, first run in a couple months, warming up slow for Chicago. Yoga and meditation
8x75 K,S IMO
300 swim Fr, Bk, Fr
Alt. 100 fast Fr, Bk, IM (1:03,1:05,1:08)
5x50Fr on :35
WD ~3700
Kind of Blog-ey. Self reflection, not very positive thinking. Couple of goals to be more patient, focus on recovery, eventual independence.
3x5ea DB Snatch w. 40/50/55
Alt. 3x8 DB seated Shoulder Press w. 32.5/35/37.5
Alt. 3x10/8/6ea Goblet Lateral Squat w. 30/35/40
4x5 TrapBar DL w. 165/185/205/215
Alt. 4x16 elev. Push Ups
Alt. 2x8ea Shoulder Circuit front/side/
Alt. 2x10 Leg Lifts Hanging on Straps
4x6,8,6,4 BB Squat w. 155,165,175,185
Alt. 4x8 Pull Ups
4x6,8,6,5 Bench w. 125,135,145,155
Alt. 4x8 DB DL w. 50,55,55,60
2x[10 Box Jumps
16 Chest Passes w. 20lb Dynamax
16 Overhead Throws w. 20lb Dynamax
2 Suitcase Carries w. 45lbs]
3x4,5,6ea DB Snatch
Alt. 3x6ea DB Lateral Squat
3x6 TrapBar DL w. 135/175/185
Alt. 3x16 elev. Bosu Ball Push ups
7x50 fly,fly/bk,bk,bk/br,br,br/fr,fr
4x150 k/d/s IMO
wd ~2700
3x10,8,6 Back Squat w. 135/160/180
Alt. 3x8ea single arm Pull down w. 30/35/40
3x10,8,6 Bench w. 125/135/145
Alt. 3x12 Swiss ball Roll Out
Alt. 3x10ea Single Leg Hip Raises on Med Ball
3x300 swim Fr, Bk, IM
3x200 100s/100k Fr, Bk, IM
1x100 Fr Fst (1:01)
WD ~3300
Morning after yoga, but actually highly successful as a cardio workout and a stretch/recovery. Good neck work
3x8ea DB Lateral Squat w. 30/32.5/35
Alt 3x8ea DB shoulder press w. 30/32.5/35
4x8 Trap Bar DL w. 155/165/185/205
Alt 4x8ea bent over DB Rows w. 50/50/60/60
3x[2]x8ea [Reverse] Leg Lifts w. 20/25/27.5 on cable machine
Alt. 3x8 DB Bicep Curls w. 30
Alt. KB Carry's and Overhead KB Raises walks down and back
4x8 BB Squat w. 135/155/165/175
Alt. 4x8 pull ups
4x10 incline Bench w. 95/120/135/145
Alt. 4x16 Swiss Ball Roll Outs
Alt. 4x8ea Single Leg Hip Raises on Med ball
Core: 3x 20 V ups/40 Cherry Pickers w Med Ball/ 20 Opposite Arm/Leg raises
8x50 IMO/Br
2x2x200 Fr,IM med/fst
Meh yoga. Talk a little about how recovery is going and what I'm going to do after.
4x400 fr,k,p,fr
8x75 IMO k,d,s
10x50 on :35